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Expert advice to protect yourself from phishing scams



www.youtube.com – 7NEWS – 2024-06-26 22:04:06

SUMMARY: Fishing remains the top cause of data breaches in the last two years, warns the Identity Theft Resource Center. In an interview, financial coach Cherry Dale from the Virginia Credit Union advised on how to spot and avoid phishing scams. She stressed being suspicious of any unsolicited communications from financial institutions requesting personal information. Genuine messages are usually pre-set, such as low balance alerts. Dale emphasized that financial institutions already have your information and won't ask for it unexpectedly. If a message seems suspicious, avoid reacting impulsively. Instead, contact your financial institution directly using a verified number and report any suspected scams.

StationX estimates that 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent daily, accounting for 1.2% of all email traffic.

Phishing is when thieves are texting you, calling you, emailing you, acting like they are somebody else to gain access to your personal information.

FULL STORY: https://www.kplctv.com/2024/06/25/expert-advice-protect-yourself-phishing-scams/


Local News Video

Heavy rains bring high water for some neighborhoods off Corbina Road



www.youtube.com – 7NEWS – 2024-06-28 20:58:29

SUMMARY: High water affected residents off Corbino Road in Southwest Louisiana, though no major property damage was reported. Some homes on Flora Road appeared as islands, with the worst flooding occurring around 4:30 AM before receding. Yesica Walker's federally elevated home stayed dry, but one family car was compromised. Walker noted flooding worsens with local development. Parish officials attributed the flooding to excessive rainfall, with gauges showing 5-6 inches. Public Works posted high water signs and monitored drainage, promising continued collaboration with local districts to address the issue. Residents remain concerned about future flooding as development progresses.

Heavy rains bring high water for some neighborhoods off Corbina Road

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AARP: 1 in 5 Americans over 50 have no retirement savings



www.youtube.com – 7NEWS – 2024-06-28 20:58:25

SUMMARY: A recent AARP survey reveals that one in five Americans over 50 have no retirement savings, prompting a call to action from the organization. David John, Senior Policy Adviser at AARP, highlights the lack of access to retirement savings programs for many workers and emphasizes starting to save as early as possible—even small amounts. To address this, Congress is considering two bipartisan bills: the Retirement Savings for Americans Act and the Automatic IRA Act, aimed at expanding retirement security. John suggests that paycheck-to-paycheck earners cut unnecessary expenses and save incrementally. Additionally, delaying Social Security claims can increase lifetime benefits.

AARP: 1 in 5 Americans over 50 have no retirement savings

For more from KPLC: https://www.kplctv.com/
For more YouTube Content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCby9iruwkkNwmQk0vRGGo8g


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Jeff Davis Parish officials warn against pet dumping



www.youtube.com – 7NEWS – 2024-06-28 19:53:00

SUMMARY: Pet abandonment is a significant issue in Jennings, where overcrowded animal shelters are struggling to manage. This year, six individuals have been cited for dumping pets like dogs and cats. A recent case involved a shepherd left near the Jennings animal shelter, with the suspect identified through surveillance and subsequently fined. Police remind the public that abandoning animals is illegal and punishable by law, potentially leading to fines, community service, or jail time. Chief Danny Sim highlighted the ongoing issue in Jennings and the parish, noting that a new animal shelter planned for Jeff Davis Parish may help alleviate these problems.

Jeff Davis Parish officials warn against pet dumping

For more from KPLC: https://www.kplctv.com/
For more YouTube Content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCby9iruwkkNwmQk0vRGGo8g


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